I was reading the BBC History magazine the other day, and in particular an article on the credit crunch of the 13th century. Yes, we had a credit then! Edward King of Italy had loans to finance the wars and ... Well, it is complicated, but the end result was a credit to England. Then, as today, international finance, politics and intrigue and the disastrous consequences of proportion.
Then I picked up from the current management and was very graphically the historical patterns of recSesión and inflation. Fascinating stuff! The article shows how inflation is followed by recession (which seems the most financially were quiet between 1870-1910). The higher the peak of inflation, lower the recession that followed. The graph shows a huge block of inflation in the 1940s to 1990 without a recession matching - so the pattern of previous centuries is broken. We have line for this fall for a long time?
Do not you see? That are unknown? Where were all our economic experts, our financial wizards? Well, to make sure that some predicted it - but nobody wanted to believe them.
We will probably never know exactly the answer to why this happened (although I would love to have a look at the issue of BBC History Magazine 2099 - hindsight is clearer vision).
No matter how useful ornavarre historical perspective, we live in different times today. We have all the new technologies that did not even exist a decade ago. So what is to come in the next few years? Will that through this battle and leave stronger, or the many years of inflation and the relative wealth be followed by years of recession? Let's see the promised 'outbreak'? Things change a lot faster today. Richard Reeves, author of the article in Management Today said that "although small in global terms, the inflation outlook in the UK is much more exciting for years."
He gives a real idea about the UK economy and the price of what may happen, but you queobtener magazine to read the full article, of course.
The UK is undoubtedly in the midst of great flux. The Government responded in different ways - and to provide support to banks to support loans for qEU small business can continue to access financing. Business Secretary Lord Mandelson said that the goal of "real needs of business." What are the needs of real companies? Other than wave a magic wand and creating a stable global economy, are real challenges for the government (who is in power) in many areas including training and development.
Improving the skills of trabajadores of the United Kingdom has long been an identified need for business - our knowledge base in the UK has been poor compared with other European countries (see Leitch Report 2006). And the powers are still a problem - the Guardian David Gow reports impending skills crisis in Europe ", suggesting that government efforts in the funding of training (like the train to gain) are more important than nevercadiz tsu in time of economic crisis. Continue to invest in our greatest resource, our people must remain a priority in these difficult times. There is a future! Not to plan, and plan to fail
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Credit Crunch with New Property
For many people worldwide property investment is a long dream to life. Often, the uncertainties of the real estate market along with the struggle to earn a living has a lot of potential investors out sitting on the side of the line too long. A lot of property for potential investors is so preoccupied with their financial situation and low until the housing market that never bother to invest. You really need to lower the fence and entering the property investment GAME.
"Many people think you have to be rich, incredibly rich, or crazy to risk investing in the property. The truth is that there has to be or need any of those things, you need a system of property investment is built for people who simply want to increase their income without having to take an ounce of risk.You to invest using the numbers, the hope of halting APRECiación capital or waiting for the main rule in the property investment game if you want to be sure the cash flow.
If not you have good cash flow i.e. 30% of their money on rent each month after paying your mortgage utility bills and other expenses, then you could end up in financial trouble if interest rates rise or the cost of your property / properties held no room to maneuver and could end up losing money due recognition does not pay their mortgages and spending most of the properties in a very negative cash flow of the status of this problem gets.So higher education financial imperative if you want to succeed in property investment in a short space of ti
Why the Credit Crunch happened
In 2007, financial markets were abuzz with talk of a credit. It is unusual and unpredictable as some outside force such as the impact of an asteroid or a cold winter storm. However, it was not unexpected, and was not caused by any external force. The credit crunch began because borrowers have been unable to make payments on the loans they were given. When lenders began to lose money left to lend money: credit.
If newFinancial globalization is the poster child for the housing bubble Gr.comer. New Century Financial was founded in 1995 and headquartered in Irvine, California. New Century Financial Corporation was a real estate investment trust (REIT), provided the first and second mortgage products to borrowers nationwide through its operating subsidiaries, New Century Mortgage Corporation and Home123 Corporation. The company was the second largest issuer of subprime loans by dollar value in 2006. On April 2, 2007, the company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protecticomplementos. The date of its financial implosion is seen as the day the bubble appeared. The death of New Century Financial has come to represent the death of the loans in bulk and the start of the credit crunch. Subprime lending was widely regarded as guilty of starting the cycle of tightening credit and a new century has been linked to this problema, but the scale and scope of the disaster was much larger than subprime.
The huge credit facilitated the decline Lagrán housing bubble is a cash flow crisis of insolvency. Basically, people have no income to constantly mortgage payments. This was caused by a combination of exotic loan programs with the increase in payments, a deterioration of credit standards that allow debt-income well above the norms históricas and systematic practice of making the loan applications with the ghost of income (stated income or "liar" loans). The problem of cash flow insolvency is becoming more difficult as lending more money would not solve the problem. People need more income, not more debt burdens.
The response of the Federal Reserve this mess was less than the cost of borrowing as much as possible. The federal funds rate sand reduced to zero, and the FED started buying long-term Treasury in a program known as quantitative easing. Unfortunately, following the interest rate does not force people to borrow or banks to lend. People have already taken too much, and some banks créditodigno credit to customers who were not already overburdened with debt. The credit can not be resolved with monetary policy. The only thing that would help people and it was timeLECE paying their heavy d
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Pets in the Credit Crunch
Our four-legged friends are the forgotten victims of the recession. Throughout the country as families tighten their belts, our dogs are the first to feel the cold wind of economic recession. With more and larger home to be paid for, it is not surprising that families are more veterinary bills, the increase in insurance policies and daily maintenance.
The recession is affecting the welfare of dogs on two fronts. Firstly many more Animals are abandoned and, secondly, dee people have accepted strays in the past can no longer afford the additional costs.
The well known Battersea Dogs and Cats Home has seen a large increase in the number of strays brought to them. On the other hand 20 per cent of people who have to provide homes compared with the same period last year.
The Dogs Trust, which runs 17 facilities throughout the UK, has informado that is taking a dog for five to six months to rehome, compared to only three months past dee.
Problems are particularly acute for owners of dogs, whose animals require medical and veterinary treatment. Saga Insurance estimates that the average veterinary bill for a dog is £ 300, although the cost could be several thousands of serious conditions.
In the past five years1.6 million dog owners ygata have reluctantly had to leave their pets because they could not afford the treatment. Many more have given up the treatment recommended by your veterinarian, because of high costs.
POLICIES insurance can not be invoked to cover increased costs. The fastest growing sector of the market is providing insurance coverage for pets. The value of this sector amounted to £ 440 million last year, which insurers blame on creciente number of complaints.
And Blue Cross animal welfare charity the Powys Animal Welfare Trust has reported a large increase in the number of abandoned dogs and cats. In an attempt to address the problem, Battersea will be publishing a guide that suggests ways in which to save money when caring for your dog.
The Dogs Trust recommends that you buy in bulk, feed their animals with dry and canned food instead dand avoid expensive extras like shiny necklaces. Rescue centers are a good place to start when looking for a dog. Your new pet will have all their shots, and often you get a couple of weeks of free insurance and advice.
Robert Jones, was aware that the purchase of a Bernese mountain dog named Harvey would be a long-term financial Commitment suffering from health problems. Imagine his surprise when he discovered that the premium dog dinsurance is almost as much as ensuring their home. When I was four years Harvey, Robert and covered shopping around £ 23 per month. However, when a dog reaches six years of age can be difficult to obtain insurance premiums increased dramatically. Robert Harvey is costing £ 36, compared with the home insurance of
Business owners in the Credit Crunch
In times of economic boom employers had to work to attract the best staff, reward good and keep them in business. Now that the economy is in the midst of a recession, the emphasis is shifting to keep the best staff, reducing costs and increasing productivity and personal commitment. Business owners must change the way the management company and this can be a challenge for even the most experienced managers.
Grandes questions about the program this year is how to manage redundancies, reducing hours, slim reward packages and redeploy staff where it is most needed. These can sometimes be stressful for staff who are already worried about the economy and their jobs, so it is imperative that administrators manage changes in a friendly, professional and fair manner. It is also important to keep staff (or other staff) Dedicated to managing budgets and effectively.
One way to rationalize spending and increase staff morale (killing two birds with one stone) is certain establishments of its reward scheme of the company. There are a lot of benefits you can offer, such as childcare vouchers offered tax savings - good for both your company and its staff. Education personnel might need before they see the benefits of cash rewards not obstante it is important to buy into the scheme before implementing it. If cash rewards are very important to ensure that their employees bonus targets are in line with its business plan for the year. If you want to improve customer RETENTION rates reward staff when help achieve this goal. Do not keep it just because the premiums are expected, where they account.
Cutting staff hours may seem a step to make the redundancies, but it can be a blessing in disguise for many employees. Not only your company save money on staff payroll, but would appreciate the opportunity to improve their work-life balance. A reduction in working hours scheme may mean that no one loses his job and a labor sefeliz likely to do that instead of seeing colleagues dismissed.
The layoffs are inevitable if the business owners must make decisionss difficult. Functions that are essential and which are not? How to choose and how to implement the layoffs? It is the temptation to make sweeping cuts to save money immediately, but this may do more harm than good. Business owners should take a long time - when the economy picks up again you need to have staff with the skills to handle the extra work. Think about who will be left behind - they are the kind of people to keep buyingdisregarded the company? There is nothing like the loss of jobs to lower the morale of what is important to encourage and reward those who remain. Layoffs can jump ship essential staff leaving the company in a worse situation than before.
Although the economy is gloomy, employers must look to the future, doing enough to cut through the bad times and be ready for good. Movimientodebe needs of each planificarse and considered as part of this long-term strategy, and we must remember that the most important resource we have are the people who work for u
Family activities with the Credit Crunch
Here are some credit for the whole family to enjoy without spending your credit.
Have a picnic in a forest or park and enjoy some tasty deals. Food always tastes better outdoors, and children love to go on a picnic. No need credit, just some cheap snacks and drinks.
Play a game. Find a Jenga as is good for young and old. Put all together, ideal for those days when poured with lluvia.
Strolling, borrow the neighbor's dog. It is much more fun to a wide dog, but you can still have fun with family. Giving young children letters and see if they can find things that match the letters F for flowers, S for a rock so they can pick the leaves, etc. and make a collage in the home.
Having a family club. Let's put the cd and dancing away. Show the children what they're made of.
Playing hide-and buscar. You'll be surprised how silence can be when children have to hide, and also places that can squeeze into. Hopefully you can fall asleep while ª wait and wait ..... .....
Cook and eat dinner together. It does not happen very often and it's good for the family together in one place. If you can not handle a dinner how about a family breakfast on weekends.
If you are religious thinking of going to the local church. They often have activities forchildren, is free and a good way to meet people.
Weddings with the Credit Crunch
Save money on your wedding next to buying a house or a car of your wedding will be more expensive than the next in your life. Negotiating with the locations, change the day of a weekend to a weekday will be a substantial saving. Use a provider to make your venue and decoration of this church can also result in savings. Watch to see websites of the vendors they do, some companies only do one thing, the use of a company that makes more than one thing andget a price package.
Wedding dresses unless you're using a design and have a look especially in the wedding dress shops to check whether the labels of 90% of them are manufactured in China to reduce costs to go directly to the site and there order direct savings of up to 70%. Does the job you had a friend of our prom dress to their daughters and saved a fortune and was the same dress that you look in a shopto expensive clothing. If you are a good team invites your wedding stationary and you have a lot of free programs that can utilizaracaba a good buy expensive paper and envelopes. Use the same program to make your order for the church service and seating plans and place settings for
Holidays with the Credit Crunch
Poor sterling-euro exchange rate:
With the poor exchange rate of sterling against the euro, UK residents have much less of their money in Europe unless the situation improves. At the time of this press release (December 16, 2008), we are seeing "parity" between the pound sterling and the euro for the first time in history.
As a result, many residents in the UK will not take into account abroad for their vacacions 2009 unless the situation improves.
This is why the smart money is on a motorhome holiday in 2009.
If the exchange rate does not improve before summer vacation then a motor home in the UK makes good financial sense.
If the exchange rate should improve the pound sterling in favor of then you may have already hired its stock to Europe and most of euros more for their money. Countries coSpain, as well as the former Eastern bloc countries like Croatia have a great camping outside meals are cheaper and cheaper.
Best fuel prices:
It should be noted that the economic and political circumstances in America and around the Middle East have caused fuel prices have stabilized in the autumn of 2008. Gasoline and diesel are cheaper than they were a few months ago, a situation that seems likely to last into 2009 and a factor is very important if you are considering a vacation.
Investing in the UK:
If you do so at home on holiday in the Kingdom is helping to keep small businesses in their own country afloat. It can help other people like you to their families. He was making a "green option" not too much to fly to their holiday destination.
When you hire your motorhome in the UK and is payable in sterling, which are not affected by las fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Families love motorhome holiday:
Children love the holidays but sometimes camping parents find the "on canvas" lack something in the range of luxury!
With a motor that is warm and dry shelter if the weather becomes wet and British.
(Do not forget that I was more rain in Spain and France during the caravan and camping holidays in Britain than ever!)
You have your own bathroom and shower board, especially useful if you have small children and babies. Older children in reality, as the novelty of the use of the campsite.
You can pack everything you need, incluyendojuguetes and games for children in its motor recruited to be a home for his family. Flying abroad with young children and all of its articles is becoming a nightmare in terms of baggage restrictions, etc. surchages
You can prepare meals in the kitchen excellent cheap motor with food bought from local supermarkets, if you are trying to keep a low budget.
Children make friends so easily in a campsite, and often the major sites have planned events for entretenera themselves. You do not have to spend a lot of money by having theme parks each day.
Modern motorhomes are compact and easy to drive andn most of the roads after a brief practice.
You can carry bikes on the back of the light and the supermarket is just to enjoy family bike rides.
Most families have to adapt to each other in different tastes and enthusiasms. With a motor that is free to divide their vacations at different stops. You can spend a few days in refrigeracióncosta, then travel to one of the National Parks. You can stop at one of the classic resort of Blackpool, to meet the aspirations of children from the galleries, slot machines, games and cotton fair!. Think of the possibilities for an adventure around the motor Scotland or Wales.
A bonus is that if you end up in an area or a campsite that does not suit you or your family's needs, you only have to pay for the time they have remainedand spend some more. Think of the times we have booked accommodation with kitchen and descriptions are misleading, the team has not worked, etc., leaving stuck somewhere you do not like for a fortnight.
On the road:
One of the joys of traveling in the van with children or adults is that you can pull off the road or highway, use your toilet, beer to a cup of tea or coffee, make some food without being hostage to the price of the service station exhorbitant.
When you feel you need a break from driving, only to have to stop and park.
While reluctant to encourage wild camping for the environment and safety reasons, a motor home is well equipped to cope with a stop such circumstances should arise.
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